last week me and my friends went to the Time Square. its getting bored sitting at home doing nothing. so instead of rotting ourselves at home, we went out for some refreshment once a week. last week's plan, bowling.
when we're all there, wanie and nina has a change of hearts. they wanted to watch Long Khong 2 instead, and they know that im not a big fan of horror movies. not wanted to leave me behind alone, they suggested that i watch any other movies currently showing. *so nice of them* =P but i've already watched most of them so i said "dont worry about me and get yoursevlse some Long Khong thrill" haha..not exactly what i said, but you get the point. cant just leave me behind, so back to the original plan, the bowling alley. *so very nice of them* =P but now i feel knida bad myself..sigh..
it's my first game and im quite nervous myself. i havent played bowling for a couple of years now, so it took me a while to get back the "ishikawa ways" of bowling..lol..hey, i never said im good at bowling, but at least i know how to play, in my own way..haha..in searching for the "ishikawa ways", i hurt my torso and the pain goes away 3 days later..i hope we can play more in the future since we all enjoyed it *super glad*

after that, we head for some iced-blended coffee. starbucks had some nice selections of coffee. cant get enough of the Caramel =P plus the whipped cream on top. want to have more, but sadly i cant afford for second..*super sigh*..and wanie with her all-time Java Chip. haha
when we're all there, wanie and nina has a change of hearts. they wanted to watch Long Khong 2 instead, and they know that im not a big fan of horror movies. not wanted to leave me behind alone, they suggested that i watch any other movies currently showing. *so nice of them* =P but i've already watched most of them so i said "dont worry about me and get yoursevlse some Long Khong thrill" haha..not exactly what i said, but you get the point. cant just leave me behind, so back to the original plan, the bowling alley. *so very nice of them* =P but now i feel knida bad myself..sigh..
it's my first game and im quite nervous myself. i havent played bowling for a couple of years now, so it took me a while to get back the "ishikawa ways" of bowling..lol..hey, i never said im good at bowling, but at least i know how to play, in my own way..haha..in searching for the "ishikawa ways", i hurt my torso and the pain goes away 3 days later..i hope we can play more in the future since we all enjoyed it *super glad*

after that, we head for some iced-blended coffee. starbucks had some nice selections of coffee. cant get enough of the Caramel =P plus the whipped cream on top. want to have more, but sadly i cant afford for second..*super sigh*..and wanie with her all-time Java Chip. haha